Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Μικρές Γκρίνιες Μιας Γυναίκας, Χίβα Παναχί

Το πρώτο Ελληνικό ποίημα που διάβασα χωρίς να είναι μεταφρασμένο και απευθείας στην Ελληνική γλώσσα ήταν "Απολείπειν ο θεός Aντώνιον". Είχα 3 μήνες στην Αθήνα τότε, κι είχα πάει στο κεντρικό εθνικό θέατρο να δω μια διασκευή. Δεν ήξερα καλά Ελληνικά αλλά είχα πάει για να κρατήσω επαφή με τον πολιτισμό. 

Λοιπόν, λίγα κατάλαβα από την παράσταση και όταν βγήκα άρχισε να βρέχει δυνατά, καρεκλοπόδαρα που έλεγε η Ασπασία, η Καθηγήτρια των Ελληνικών μου τότε.

Το παγκάκι με βιβλία έξω από το θέατρο τράβηξε την προσοχή μου που έγραφε 1000 δραχμές μόνο, και είχαμε ακόμη την δραχμή.  είχα βραχεί αρκετά αλλά δεν με ένοιαζε τόσο πολύ.  Πήρα ένα βιβλίο στην τύχη στο χέρι, ήταν ο Κωνσταντίνος Καφάβης, το αγόρασα, τρέχοντας να προλάβω το λεωφορείο. Το πρώτο ποίημα που διάβασα ήταν αυτό "Απολείπειν ο θεός Aντώνιον", άκρως Συγκινημένη, γεμάτη χαρμολύπη ότι κάτι κατάλαβα στα Ελληνικά' 
"κι αποχαιρέτα την, την Aλεξάνδρεια που χάνεις...." 


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

A poem of Dream by Hiva Panahi in Michigan Quarterly Review

This article in Michigan Quarterly Review about modern Greek poetry also making reference in of poem of Hiva Panahi from Austerity Measures: The New Greek Poetry and writes:    "This anthology questions categories, genres, registers, and histories in a “rhizomatic” (Deleuze and Guattari) manner to dramatize the crisis of representation in language (through translation), identity (through performance), and politics (through post-revolutionary melancholy). It illustrates the becoming of new multi-lingual, multi-ethnic, multi-generational, multi-medial Greek poetry as a map of intersections that lack center and unity, and instead work as lines of flight in a network of rhetorical, topographical, and leftist intensities: “Dreams come from far away places/The stones, the birds and I take on new forms of life/Dreams have their own road/And we live far away these days, like dreams.” (Hiva Panahi, 415). It coheres around the refusal to mourn revolution and forget revolt. It feeds on the melancholic yet unyielding insistence on multiplicity and process, on roots that move and overspill, on measures that pulsate......." http://www.michiganquarterlyreview.com/2018/04/neoliberal-austerity-and-left-melancholy-by-vassilis-lambropoulos/

Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Woman from Ashes by Hiva Panahi

In the era where all your knowledge transforms into papers
Papers that leaving you one by one
It is wind, huge wind, strange wind
You feel insecurity like a child with papers of kites
The era of big silence
huge without sky and kites
heartbeats out there on that duststorm
What a strange Eros
The eventual, of a hope
Hiva Panahi March 23/2018 NYC

Friday, February 2, 2018

A Woman from Ashes by Hiva Panahi

For death, I have sung

In a rainy night

I have sung

I sent it my white jasmine

I sent it my moon

For my death
I have sung...  2012, Athens 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Μικρές Γκρίνιες Μιας Γυναίκας, Χίβα Παναχί

Αν ξανά πάω στην Αθήνα
Σε κάθε γειτονιά της θα ανάψω ένα κερί
Εναντία στο σκοτάδι που με εδίωκε τόσα χρονιά
Κι θα χαρίσω μια σταγόνα βροχής
Σε όλα τα σημεία που δάκρυζα 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Voises of PEN America in Governors Island,NY

Last week Sep 9 for a first time of my life I was been in Governors Island,NY for World Voises of PEN America.
Yes, we have 2017 and we are concerned  about varieties issues!

I tryed to spoke out of turn on matter of this days  from my exprience as author. The combination of spiritual identities and mentalities and their obstacles and as example I talked about my Kurdish- Greek spiritual identities.
Yes, I wanted to transfer to my colleagues writers and our people that
the world's human civilization - culture has been built on tears and many sacrifices of creative people!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Hiva Panahi in Governors Island (NYC)

#PenAmerica #HivaPanahi
 #Worker Writers School

 Fall Open House
Saturday, September 9, 2017 | 11:00 am EDT – 5:00 pm EDT
Governors IslandGovernors Island (NYC), Nolan Park #7A

The Worker Writers School, in collaboration with PEN America, hosts our annual “Fall Open House” on Governors Island. Join participants from Domestic Workers United, Taxi Workers Alliance, Street Vendor Project, Picture the Homeless, Retail Action Project, the New York Worker Center Federation, and other organizations in a series of creative writing mini-workshops and book panels with a wide array of writers, activists, scholars, and artists including Pulitzer Prize winner Tyehimba Jess, Ken Chen, Kazembe Balagun, Mark Bray, Jordan T. Camp, Emily Chow Buck, Christina Heatherton, Daniel Anton Johnson, Hiva Pahani, Nikhil Pal Singh, and Daniel Oliver Tucker.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Hiva Panahi in day of poetry, nyrb NEWS with "Ash Person"

ASH PERSON by Hiva Pinahi
Dreams come from far away places
The stones, the birds and I take on new forms of life
Dreams have their own road
And we live far away these days, like dreams.
(Trans. by Maria Margaronis)

Friday, May 26, 2017

Dr. Hiva Panahi met with Pen of America

Hiva Panahi, author and academic with Kurdish origins who survived from political persecution in Athens, Greece, met with staff of International Pen in NYC. During her discussion of her life in first Iran and then while living in exile in Greece, she said, "Greek authorities have been selling my life all these years. I was considered a source of income and personal development for them, and because I was not an easy case they found people in academics places and persecuted me. I was in a trap of death and this tragedy has a big cost for my health and destroyed everything which I have built in 18 years life in Greece. It's not a secret Iranian regime is "generous" to pay for political persecution everywhere......"

Thursday, May 25, 2017

A woman’s little gripes, Hiva Panahi

I have been in New York just five months but I have already had an emotional attachment to this city. This January I was in Manhattan and was met again with simple things like the simple smiling of people and that was wonderful. In my time at Columbia University I had taken the road to learn about this place by luck with no program and no information. The magical buildings with incredible spiritual aura that was written by Pro Ecclesia Dei. I stumbled into the library with great esthetic; it was a blessing and I had a rare sensation of gentleness. I said hello to Homer, Aristotle, Plato and Cicero. I sat down in the corner near the entry and for hours I had conversation with the statute of Athena; this atmosphere moved me so much. My broken health, my broken life and broken career, there were all the broken pieces of my life - like a prayer for new life in the new city, in New York City.

A selection of Hiva's poetry has been translated into the Slovenian language

  Humbly I should inform you part of my poetry's works has been translated into  Slovenian language for the POIESIS project in October ...