Sunday, August 9, 2015

Arab Capitalism, the buying and selling of women and children, Dr. Hiva Panahi

The marketing of people in the Arab world has a long history. The Arabs always had a big problem with newborn girls. So, tradition dictated that they be put to death by being buried alive. History tells us some important things about the life of Mohammed and his family. His grandfather was from the faithful to Abraham. Mohammed himself grew up with his uncle uneducated. Like many other 23 year olds he desired power and acknowledgment. So, he married a well known 45 year old widow named Khadija. Mohammed became a trader in slavery and immersed himself in the Arab social life which was often full of violence. Warring opponents would often fight to acquire women of other tribes. For the women unfortunate enough to find themselves abducted, life was pure Hell. Bloodshed and rape was a routine part of their life. In one such conflict with other tribes, Mohammed was victorious thus he gained the wealth and reputation he wanted. I am sure in his own mind, he tried to improve the life of Arabs. But, 1500 years later, we see that he failed in his attempts. After all that time, women still suffer and his ideas cause much destruction in all parts of the world. Other people that had a history of bloodshed and violence, have long ago decided to end all that and, took another direction. The so called rise of Islam, is often blamed on the Persians, Armenians, Kurds, Greeks etc. But it seems that, it is the Arabs themselves that have not forgotten their roots of violence and destruction.

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