Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Promethean Man in Kurdish Political Thought

The Promethean Man in Kurdish Political Thought Dr. Hiva Panahi, January 07, 2025, Kurdistan Chronicle
Kurdish political thought, as an inseparable part of global human history and philosophical discourse, is shaped by elements that provide it with philosophical space and time of existence. These elements nurture the concept of the ‘Kurdish World,’ a universe of social structures that offer identity. A fundamental aspect of Kurdish political philosophy are the myths connected to the social and political existence of the Kurds, with the most emblematic being Kawa – the Promethean figure that embodies the Kurdish worldview and defines the identity of our people. The significance of this myth and its political implications are profound, as the festival associated with these events, Newroz, attests. The symbolism embedded in this renewal of nature and the awakening of the people’s rebellion engraves each Kurdish soul with a timeless essence. Pesheva Qazi The Promethean man acts as a symbol of the Kurdish political reality, bringing to light a narrative of resistance and self-determination. It is no coincidence that the Kurdish world strives to transcend the marginalization imposed on it since the 19th century, aiming to establish a state of law enriched with values and elements of the modern world, such as the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad in 1946. At the helm of this effort was Pesheva Qazi, who played a central role in the establishment of the rule of law. He was both a legislator and a thinker, embodying the values of Kurdish identity and emphasizing the pursuit of freedom, harmony, and justice. His significant presence shines light not only on his personal character, but also on his political actions, elevating the moral fabric of our culture. As a bold and wise leader, he underscores the Promethean element of the Kurdish world and connects us with modern values such as democracy, the social participation of both women and men, and the protection of children’s rights and the marginalized. His dedication to these values revitalizes the legacy of Kurdish thought, continuously igniting the flame of freedom that springs from every Kurdish soul and from the dawn of our mythical world and reflecting our political reality. The connection between political action and moral values reinforces the tradition of fighting against oppression, highlighting the need for ethical leaders. This promotion raises fundamental questions regarding the concept of ‘duty’ in politics – questions that grow increasingly relevant as various groups seek representation and justice. For the Kurds, this reference is not merely mythical; it is a vibrant political reality that is revived every spring, serving as a touchstone for political thought, democracy, and civic engagement. Aeschylus As a living people within the historical and political continuum, the Kurds share the ideals of Greek culture, particularly through Aeschylus’ masterpiece, Prometheus Bound. This connection is further strengthened when we consider the Promethean figure of the Kurds. Aeschylus, as a poet and a fighter who was present during the Persian Wars, challenged the tyrants of Athens, paying the price of exile and censorship for his work, showcasing his commitment to freedom of speech and thought. In Prometheus Bound, we find parallels that resonate strongly with Kurdish struggles. The figure of Prometheus symbolizes defiance against tyranny and oppression, just as the Kurds have persistently resisted attempts to erase their identity and autonomy. The themes of sacrifice for the greater good and the pursuit of justice in Aeschylus’ work reflect the enduring spirit of the Kurdish struggle for recognition and self-determination. The global fight for justice and equality Additionally, the modern Kurdish political landscape is marked by a resurgence of this Promethean spirit. Contemporary Kurdish leaders embody the same ethos of resistance, seeking not only autonomy, but also a broader social justice that transcends ethnic lines. The legacies of Kawa and Pesheva Qazi are a constant reminder of the moral and ethical foundation upon which the Kurdish political identity is built. The values they championed continue to inspire new generations in their pursuit of democracy, human rights, and social welfare. Moreover, as the Kurdish struggle for self-determination evolves, it increasingly intersects with the global fight for justice and equality. The lessons drawn from the Promethean myth serve as a guiding light for movements worldwide that seek to challenge systemic oppression and assert their rights. The Kurdish experience highlights the importance of building alliances and fostering solidarity with other marginalized communities, embodying the spirit of unity in diversity. The synthesis of the Promethean myth and Kurdish political thought forms a unique confluence that shapes both historical narrative and modern political action. It reflects the continuous journey of a people in search of identity, justice, and freedom. As the flame of this ancient narrative burns brightly in the contemporary world, it not only reaffirms the Kurdish commitment to their cause, but also resonates with the universal struggle for human dignity and rights. The Kurdish people, through their myths and modern political endeavors, stand as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the relentless pursuit of a just world.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

A selection of Hiva's poetry has been translated into the Slovenian language


Humbly I should inform you part of my poetry's works has been translated into  Slovenian language for the POIESIS project in October of 2023.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Hiva's Panah books in Bengali language in India

We would like to inform you that a selection of Hiva's poetry has been translated by Dr. Rudra Kinshouk into the main language of India Bengali, which is the language of Rabindranath Tagore, the book It's available for sale from mid-January of 2024 by publishing house ভাষালিপি- Bhashalipi in India, luckily was been taking part of Kolkata International Book
Fair, 18 – 31 January of 2024.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Woman from Ashes by Hiva Panahi


 Whatever you need to put your legs on the earth again, you need again the same exercise that we called courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always something from those years to remind you of the endless corridors of darkness, the entirety of human pain and tears on the ashen leaves, that will make you cry once again. So walk again for peace, like the lonely ant that struggles in relentless earth for a piece of its winter supply, so do again the same exercise that we called courage. We have reached the month of December once again, the wounds are opening, the heart is in a tsunami of the season and pulses are rising again like sails in the absent light; it's time to shed more tears in this Holy season, to not forget here on this relentless Earth to map out a course of action and follow it to the end, so to try the same exercise that you know as courage!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

A Woman from Ashes by Hiva Panahi

 There's no doubt that if you can't say no, you're a potential victim of exploitation. Others will treat you as a doormat and no one will ask for your opinion – nor will they take it seriously when you give it yourself. Saying "no" reminds others that you are free, you put the issue of your freedom on your forehead, and that you have limits, as a human being, that auto respect for yourself is a non-negotiable values.I have my own name and history,I am Hiva Panahi. (From the short notes of 2011)

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Notes of a Night by Hiva Panahi

Notes of a Night, by Hiva Panahi 

Don't want the eyes of those whose hearts are blind

get up and walk in the dark

If blood is running from your wounds

Let them in the wings of the stars

Get up and walk in the dark.

Look at the stones that broken, running  rivalry

Butterflies fall into these waters

The rocks take off wings

The lower plain screams

All your life a grass in the wind

Don't want the eyes of those whose hearts are blind

Get up and walk in the dark...

Don't seek the eyes of those whose hearts are blind

Get up and walk in the dark

If blood is running from your wounds

Let them be the wings of the stars

Stand up and walk in the dark.

Look at the broken stones that are running in the river

The butterflies fall in these waters

The rocks take off wings

The lower plain screams

All your life a grass in the wind

Don't seek the eyes of those 

Whose hearts are blind

Stand up and walk in the dark      

 2021, NYC                           

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Under the persecution time in Athens, Greece



I couldn't deny the cold weather of 2012; it had permeated every part of my body with this unusual freezing, and my breaths came with difficulty, cold and endless glaciers. I was alone with my laptop feeling like the last stone of the world waiting to be blown down into the abyss; I looked with deep tenderness at my computer; it was the only thing I had, the only one that would be able to carry my voice and my appeals to the world from the cliff of life in this phase.
I looked at it and it stared at me, like those windows that were blowing in our backyard at my parent's home, while my heart was flooded with dreams. Now it's like I'm watching a tragic piece of cinema, a movie in the middle of winter, the voice of a Starbuck's employee: We will be closing in 10 minutes. With great gratitude I look at her and I say, "Okay". I leave the cafe and continue walking; the city of Athens is not the same at all, and my tears fall down. I say to myself, "Don't cry please," and take another sedative. My laptop and I would stay in the medical school reading room until morning again. I was counting the moments and awaiting my death in Athens.





Sunday, September 18, 2022

A Woman from Ashes by Hiva Panahi


The lady of the Ocean 
A recording in the blood
in the eyes
on the lips
and the skin when is glowing
And a time of deep shine
I hear you dear ocean
accompany me please, whole your life 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Hiva Panahi poetry works will set to music in Brazil

Humbly I should inform you that part of my poetry works will be also set to music soon at Brazil University for the benefit of Ms. Heather Dea Réder Ph.D. candidate and her amazing research around Enthicomusicology
Επιτρέψτε μου να σας ενημερώσω πως μερικά από τα ποιήματά μου θα μελοποιηθούν σύντομα στη Βραζιλία από τον Ph.D. υποψήφια Heather Dea Réder; επίσης ένα κεφάλαιο της πραγματείας της θα είναι για το ποιητικό μου έργα, η κοσμοθεωρία και οι συνθήκες που ενέπνευσαν την γραφή τους!

Hiva Panahi poems translated into Bengali language in India by Rudra Kinshuk


Μόλις έμαθα πως μερικά ποιήματα μου έχουν μεταφραστεί στην Ινδία.Δόξα τω Θεώ, κάθε φωτεινό κομμάτι είναι κομμάτι της δικαιοσύνης για μένα κι την ζωή μου, ευχαριστώ Θεέ μου. Just I learned that part of my poetry works had been also translated into the Bangali language in India. Thank God, thank Lord, each light is a piece of justice to me and into my life, I am extremely grateful!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Woman from Ashes by Hiva Panahi



My letter to myself and to all about poetry is that: 

- Poetry expresses that which can not say it into a simple conversation and that which cannot remain silent!

The Promethean Man in Kurdish Political Thought

T he Promethean Man in Kurdish Political Thought Dr. Hiva Panahi, January 07, 2025, Kurdistan Chronicle Kurdish political thought, as an ...