Thursday, September 1, 2016

Master's degree in Hiva Panahi poetry by Mrs.M Varoudakis at Harokopio University of Athens

Harokopio University of Athens
Department of Home Economics and Ecology
PSP Education and Culture

Diploma thesis: Immigration Literature, the case of two writers from Iran

 The purpose of this thesis is to examine the depiction of immigration to
literary works of authors immigrants in order to show how this experience affects their authors. To achieve this investigation, the case study wasutilized, while the approach of the material was based on the method of content analysis, combined with the method of biographical interpretation .The research focuses on the study of two authors' works, who immigrated to Greece, Fereydoun Faryad (1949-2012) and Hiva Panahi (1980-), derived from Kurds of Iran. The research material is based on the work of the two authors adopted officially in Greek after their migrations.  In the theoretical part of this work, first is examined the historical - social  context that concerns the country of origin of the two authors, Iran. Then the meaning of '“foreign” is analyzed. Finally, it explores the concept of Immigrant Literature and attempted demonstrate the features of the course of study,
modern theories about related to this as well as the way of dealing with it in Greece.  The conclusion drawn from the analysis of the works of both authors is that, despite their differences in several places, also some similarities are presented between them, first as to the attitude towards their country before their migration, which is linked to the causes of their expatriation, and secondly as to capture the emotions that the immigration experience causes.  Also the attitude that the two authors form after the migration is similar, as far as it concerns their homeland and their host country. These two creators seem to be bound with both countries and form a complex identity, while in their works inter cultural elements are obviously presented.

03/12/2015, Athens 

The Promethean Man in Kurdish Political Thought

T he Promethean Man in Kurdish Political Thought Dr. Hiva Panahi, January 07, 2025, Kurdistan Chronicle Kurdish political thought, as an ...